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Kamis, 30 Juli 2015

Glossary for Investigating God's World - Chapter 1


a search for the laws of nature & for ways to use them for the benefit of mankind

field guides

books that show pics & give info about the trees, birds, insects, rocks, shells, stars, mammals, flowers, & other objects of nature that are all around you

range maps / range

show the ? of a plant or animal, or where on the continent it is found

magnifying lens

the tool that helps detectives most


a plant that holds thousands of "pots of gold", chief source of pollen & necter for insects in the fall


the transfer of pollen from male parts to female parts of plants


after the pollination, tiny sperm cells in the pollen unite w/ the undeveloped seeds at the base of the female part


the yellow "dust" that flowers use in producing seeds


a sweet liquid that flowers make in order to attract insects

pollen baskets

where the honeybee puts the honey on her hind legs


male bees have no stinger & don't work


female bees that mate & lay eggs


female bees that don't mate & lay eggs


about 2x the size of the honeybee


sleeps through the winter, one way a bumblebee survives the winter

yellow jacket

kind of paper wasp, usually makes her nest underground in a hole abandoned by a mouse or a bumblebee


egg-laying part, female's stinger


discovered pollination

green plants

make their own food; a food chain almost always begins w/


an animal that captures & feeds upon other animals


an animal that a predator eats, or means to capture & devour an animal

food chain

a series of plants & animals each depending on the next for food

viceroy butterfly

resembles the bitter-tasting monarch butterfly so closely that birds usually leave her alone


the close resemblance of 1 plant or animal to another for some purpose


larvae of butterflies & moths


an immature insect that doesn't look like the adult


means to move from 1 place to another w/ the changing seasons

American hover fly

looks very much like a yellow jacket

drone fly

which looks like a honeybee drone


larvae of flies

bee killer

has no fear of honeybees or of anything that resembles a honeybee

true bug

bug designed w/ piercing-sucking mouth parts & 2 pairs of wings that cross to form a large V or X

praying mantis

color of the stems & leaves, & so long & narrow, it can be mistaken for a twig

hard egg cases

wat gardeners purchase from garden shops bc they're such good hunters when they hatch


young mantises


beatle larvae

locust borer

beetle that's considered harmful bc its grubs feed on the sapwood of the black locust tree

goldenrod soldier beetle

beneficial insect bc the grubs eat grasshopper.
egs, small caterpillars, & harmful beetles; adults eat pollen, nectar, & small insects

composite family

the larges family of flowering plants


made of many parts

flower head

the part of the daisy that we usually call the flower's really not one flower but hundreds of flowers


the yellow center of the daisy

disk flowers

tiny tube-shaped flowers, a complete flower able to make its own seed

ray flowers

surrounding the disk flowers of the daisy, each one actually a flower


provide food for the butterflies, moths, flies, & bees that still fly about late in autumn; more than 1 flower head per stem

black-eyed Susan

Maryland's state flower, looks like a daisy w/ yellow ray flowers & w/ disk flowers that form a brown cone in the center


prickly leaves & stems of this plant protect it from ppl & grazing cattle, but the fragrant purple flower heads attract many insects, especially bumblebees & butterflies

painted lady butterfly

caslle the thistle butterfly bc it often lays its eggs on this plant


cheerful yellow bird builds its nest late in summer, just when the thistle's beginning to go to seed

hay fever

pollen causes some ppl to have pollinosis, if the wind carries it to the nose of a person who's allergic to it, & he'll develop

William Carey

one of the pioneer missionaries to India

Science G5, 1st Semester.
Fourth week on July 2015. 

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