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Jumat, 31 Juli 2015

Insects: Miniature Marvels of Creation

Special characteristics of insects:
  1. an outside skeleton or exoskeleton
    • invertebrates - an animal without backbones have exoskeleton.
    • an insects skeleton is lighter and stronger than bone.
    • when vertebrate animal grow, their bones grow, but an insect's exoskeleton cannot grow with the insects. when insects grow, a new exoskeleton grow under the old skeleton. This precess called molting (the shedding of outer skin, scales, feathers, horns, or hair).
  2. 3 body parts
    • Insect head: contains the insects brain, antennae, eyes and mouth part. 
    • Insect thorax: is the middle body part where the wings and legs are attached.   
    • The insect's abdomen: the last body part contains the insect's heart and stomach.   
  3. six jointed legs    
Only the female bee has a stinger. Male (drone) doesn't. The females of some, like the cricket, have a long, narrow, egg-laying part called ovipositor. The ovipositor is not as noticeable on others.

Science G4, 1st Semester.
First week on August 2015.

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