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Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

Let's Find Out

Grade 3 now learned why we study science. Science is FUN!
These are 4 reasons why we study science:
1. God made us curious.
2. God gave us good minds.
3. God gave us the ability to enjoy His world and use it wisely.
4. God gave us a desire to help others.

Do you what is science?
Science is a stuey of the wonders of the universe.

So, because we are learn science, we can cle ourself a scientist!
A scientis is a person who spends time trying to learn about things God has made.

As a scientist, we learn in four way:
1. We look carefully. We observe (obseration: looking carefully at something).
2. We gather information and try to think clearly.
3. We try to make sensible guesses or hypoteses.
4. We also test our hypoteses with experiments to see wheather we are correct.

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