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Jumat, 31 Juli 2015

Understanding God's World Chapter - Chapter 1

four reasons to study science
1. God made us curious. 2. God gave us good minds. 3. God gave us the ability to enjoy His world and use it wisely. 4. God gave us the desire to help others.

four ways scientists (and others) learn

1. look carefully and observe 2. gather information and try to think clearly 3. make sensible guesses or hypotheses 4. test their hypotheses with experiments to see whether they are correct


looking carefully at something

How many states have chosen the cardinal as their state bird?


Name the bird and flower of New York State.

Eastern Bluebird; Rose


a person who spends time trying to learn about the things God has made

oak tree

the type of tree that produces acorns


the red-breasted bird found all across North America


the study of the wonders of the universe

pitcher plant

the Canadian floral emblem that can "eat" insects

range map

shows you the part of the continent where an animal or plant can usually be found

Science G4, 1st Semester.
Fourth week on July 2015. 

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