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Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Enjoying Animal World
Each animal is part of God's design, or plan, for our world, just as we are. When God formed each kind of animal, He gave it a job to do, a reason for living. He gave each animal the instincts and equipment to do the job that He planned for it.
Without spiders, we would have too many insects. Spiders catch insects in their webs. The webs are made from silk which the spiders make in their own bodies. Chicken give us eggs and meat to eat. Chickens also help us by catching insects. Their feet and beaks are designed to help them catch the insects.

A praying mantis has six legs, but walks on only four. He holds his front legs up in front of his face, it looks like he is praying. His fronts legs, which have little spikes on them, are designed to hold an insect for his dinner. The praying mantis is one of God;s gifts to the farmer. The praying mantis eats beetles, caterpillars, fliers, moths, and grasshoppers which would hurt the farmer's crops.

Science G2, First Semester
Fourth week on August 2015

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