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Selasa, 04 Agustus 2015


Let's take a look at the parts of a flower to answer the questions.  Can you name them all ?   

the parts of a flower

What is pollination?

It is the process of carrying pollen inside the flower so new seeds can be made. In other words, it is the process of movement of pollen.

The Pollination Process

The pollination process involves the transfer of pollen, from the male part of a plant (in flowers, this is the ‘stamen’) to the female part of the plant (the 'carpel').

Pollen is made in a part called the anther. The eggs are inside the flower in part called the ovaries.

The Plant Pollination Process

The following points correspond to the diagram opposite.

1. Pollen grains land on the sticky stigma.

2. A pollen tube grows down the style, followed by male sperm nuclei.

3. The sperm nuclei fuse with the female ovules.

4. The ovules develop into seed, and the ovary develops into fruit.


It is the process when pollen meets the ovules to make new seeds.

Pollen + ovule = fertilization

Science G6, 1st Semester.
First week on August 2015. 

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