Thorax - The "engine room" of an insect
Mole cricket - The insect with scissors on its front legs
Is an earthworm an insect? How do you know? - No; doesnt have six legs
What insect uses its hind legs for oars? - Back swimmer
Active after dark - Nocturnal
Why is a spider not an insect? -It has more than six legs
To which section of its body are an insects' wings attached? - Thorax
Why are wings important to insects? - Adult insects often must travel long distances to get food or to find the right place to lay their eggs.
Insects that migrate - Butterflies, locusts, ladybugs
Why do you think wings are not necessary for insects like fleas and some grasshoppers? - They have very powerful legs that enable them to travel great distances by jumping.
Three stages of incomplete metamorphosis
1. Egg
2. Nymph
3. Adult
2. Nymph
3. Adult
How are crickets and moths alike? Both are nocturnal
Which cricket chirps, male or female? Male
How are butterflies and grasshoppers alike? Both are active during the day
Body temperature changes as the outside temperature changes - Cold-blooded
Three ways to tell the differences between grasshoppers and crickets
1. Grasshopper's wings meet in a peak like a roof; cricket's lie flat
2. Grasshopper's antennae may be long or short; cricket's antennae are long and slender
3. Grasshoppers are active during the day; crickets at night
2. Grasshopper's antennae may be long or short; cricket's antennae are long and slender
3. Grasshoppers are active during the day; crickets at night
How can you tell the difference between a male and female cricket?
Male cricket chirps; female has an ovipositor
Predator - An animal that captures and feeds on other animals
Camouflage - Markings on an insect's body that causes them to blend in with their surroundings
Mimicry - A harmless animal looks like a harmful one
Monarch & Milkweed butterflies - Insect that uses bad taste for protection
Insect that uses camouflage for protection - Dead leaf butterfly, measuring worm moth, praying mantis in Thailand
Insect that uses bad odor for protection - Bombardier beetle, stinkbugs, lacewings, carrion beetle
Insect that uses jumping for protection - Grasshopper
Insects that use parts of their body to defend themselves - Jerusalem crickets, giant water bugs, beetles, earwigs, bees, wasps
How does the viceroy butterfly escape its enemies? - It mimics the monarch which is a bad-tasting insect.
What is the defense of the swallowtail caterpillar? - It has patches of color to look like big eyes to scare predators.
How is the dead leaf butterfly camouflaged? - When its wings are folded, it looks like a dead leaf.
Could a viceroy butterfly have decided, thousands of years ago, that it would be a good idea to look like a monarch butterfly and make the necessary changes? - No.
Which insect mimics the yellow jacket? Syrphid fly
How do insects communicate?
1. Sight
2. Smell
3. Touch
4. Dancing
5. Sound
3. Touch
4. Dancing
5. Sound
How do honeybees tell their fellow bees where to find a good food supply? By doing a round or waggle dance that tells the direction and how far to travel.
What insects can make sounds like a flute? Males of some fruit flies.
What helps an insect to pick up sound vibrations? The sensilla on its body.
A God-given ability or behavior that is inherited rather than learned called instinct.
What is the name for an insect that lives in the water? Aquatic insect
An animal or plant that attaches itself to another animal or plant and feeds on it called parasite.
The animal or plant that a parasite lives on called host
A chemical used to kill insects: insecticide
What is the difference between a predator and a parasite? Predator captures and feeds on other animals. Parasites attaches itself to a plant or animal and feeds on it.
Why is it important to control the mosquito population? Mosquitoes carry many diseases
Insect that builds a house which it can carry about with him: Caddis worm
Ladybug is an insect who is a great help to farmers.
Where do most insects lay their eggs? On or near a source of food
One way to control mosquito populations. Filling in ponds or pools
Tiny hears for hearing and sensing called sensilla
A young insect which looks almost like an adult: Nymph
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