Social Icons

Kamis, 03 September 2015

Understanding God's World Chapter 2.8-10
  1. Name five ways that insects communicate!
    • sight, smell, touch, dancing, and sound
  2. How do honeybees tell their fellow bees where to find a good food supply?
    • by doing a round or waggle dance that tells the direction and how far to travel.
  3. True or False? The giant water bug builds a house which it can carry about with him?
    • false (Its suppose a caddis worm)
  4. True or False? Many insects lay their eggs on or near a source of food.
    • true
  5. True or False? Parasites are animals which attach themselves to and get their food from another animal.
    • true
  6. True or False? Lice are parasites.
    •  true
  7. True or False? Mosquitoes can sometimes be controlled by filling in ponds and pools.
    • true
  8. True or False? The ladybug is a pest because it destroys corps.
    • false (The ladybug is a great help to the farmer)
  9. Why are the lice wingless?
    • because all food they need is right under the hair, feathers, or fur they are clinging to
  10. Name the three social insect!
    1. honeybees,
    2. ants
    3. terimtes
    4. paper wasps, etc
  11. What substance do bees use to make the cells of their hives?
    • Wax
  12. How do wasps make their nests?
    • The wasps chew wood fiber from dead trees or posts and from it into sheets for the nest
 Science G4, First week on September 2015/

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