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Kamis, 12 November 2015

Kisi-Kisi Semester 1 (G3-G6)

Kisi-Kisi Science G3

Exploring God's world Wonderfully made, page 2-27
Exploring the plant world, page 28-45
Exploring the world of vertebrates, page 46-65
Exploring the world of invertebrates, page 66-83
Exploring the dessert, page 84-89

Kisi-Kisi Science G4

Understanding Science, page 2-14
Understanding Insets, page15-45
Understanding Plants, page 46-75
Understanding Birds, page 76-101
Understanding matter, page 102-130

Kisi-Kisi G5

Investigating nature, page 2-31
The amazing mammals, page 32-73
Let there be the light, page 74-94
Treasures of the earth, page 95-123

Organ Pernapasan Manusia dan Hewan, hal 2-16
Organ Pencernaan Manusia, hal 22 -  34
Makanan dan Kesehatan, hal  40 - 53
Peredaran Darah, hal 58 - 70
Tumbuhan hijau, hal 76 - 88
Penyesuaian Makhluk Hidup dengan Lingkungannya, hal 92 - 104
Sifat Benda, hal 110 - 121

Kisi-Kisi G6

Plentiful Plant, page 1-22
Observing Invertebrates, page 23 - 45
Forces of the Earth, page 46 - 67
Ciri-ciri Khusus Makhluk Hidup, hal 2 - 12
Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Makhluk Hidup, hal 38 - 62
Keseimbangan Ekosistem, hal 66 - 77
Hewan dan Tumbuhan Langka, hal 84 – 96
Konduktor dan Isolator Panas, hal 102 – 112
Perubahan Benda, hal 118 - 135   

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