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Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

Science Summary 2nd Semester for Grade 3

Community is a group of plants and animals that depend on each other to live. Community in the pond called fresh water community. Plants grow easily around the pond because there is many minerals to nourish plant growth
The frog tadpole considered an adult frog when there is no tail left at all. Oxygen dissolved in the water that fish need to breathe. Plants needs carbon dioxide. The fish and the plants of the pond help each other. Fish give off carbon dioxide that the plants need and the plants give of oxygen that the fish need. The tadpole able to get oxygen it needs to live, they breathes through gills.
The salamander tadpole also called larva. When a salamander do if it loses its tail or leg, it grow one back. Animals can do a camouflage, they blends into it surroundings. Animals also can spend the winter in sleep. They hibernate.

Food chain is a group of plants and animals that depend  on each other for food.
A forest is a community of around and depends on trees. The tiniest plants of the forest do not grow from seeds. What do they grow from? They grow from spores (fungi and bacteria) .
Trunk is the stem of the tree. Roots takes in water and minerals from the soil and holds the tree in the ground. We can tell the age of trees from the annual rings in heartwood.
The second layer of soil. It is lighter in color, and has fewer minerals, and is deeper than topsoil called subsoil.
To rot, break down, or decompose also called decay.  Soil rich in mineral resources called fertile.  Farmer use something added to the soil to replace mineral resources called fertilizer. The wearing away of soil or rock by wind and water called erosion. The condition of the air called weather.
The atmosphere mean layer of the air that surrounds the earth. Three main elements or ingredients that make the weather: heat, water, and wind.  To send out rays of heat called radiate.Wind is moving air. The falling of rain, snow, hail, or sleet also called precipitation. Electricity that jumps from one cloud to another or from a cloud to the earth called lightning. The sound that lightning makes called  thunder.  Surface film holds a water strider on top of the water.
Solid, liquid, or gas are three forms of  water found in the air. Warm air is lighter  than cold air, it rises. As the warm, moist air rises, it begins to cool. Cooling of warm, moist air causes clouds to form. This is called condensation.
If you are ever caught outside during a thunderstorms, what would you do? Where is the safest places?  To be in a thunderstorm are in a car or in the building that has a steel frame and a lightning rod.

Invertebrates :  An animals with no backbones
Vertebrates   :  An animals with backbones
Cold blooded :  The body temperature stays the same as the temperature around them

Topsoil is the top layer of soil. It is dark-colored, rich in minerals, and not very deep. Subsoil is the second layer of soil. It is lighter in color, and has fewer minerals, and is deeper than topsoil.

Fertile soil is soil in which plants grow well. Fertilizer
something added to the soil to replace mineral resources.
Erosion is the wearing away of soil or rock by wind and water. Soil erosion is the loss of soil by water and wind. Gullies is the small ditches that form where the soil is washed away.

Eeather is the condition of the air. Atmosphere
is layer of the air that surrounds the earth. Heat, water, and wind
three main elements or ingredients that make the weather. Absorb mean to soaks up, and radiate is to send out rays of heat. Water can always be found in the air. Wind is moving air.

Solid, liquid, or gas are the three forms of water found in the air. As the warm, moist air rises, it begins to cool. Cooling of warm, moist air causes clouds to form. This is called condensation.

Precipitation is the falling of rain, snow, hail, or sleet. Beads of ice that began as rain falls through freezing air called sleet.

Lightning is the electricity that jumps from one cloud to another or from a cloud to the earth. Thunder is the sound that lightning makes.

Hurricane is a windstorm that builds up over the warm ocean, and tornado is a windstorm that builds up over hot land. A tornado is often called a twister. Three types of the storms are: thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornados.

The atmosphere protects the earth from the suns burning rays by providing a blanket of protective air during the day. The earth and the air are always exchanging water with each other. This process called the water cycle.

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