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Senin, 14 November 2016

Science G2 Semester I - Summary 2016

Enjoying Myself and Others
1.    God who made the world and all that is in it.
2.    Muscles are the part of your body helps you to play and work hard.
3.    Protein is a body builder in our body.
4.    Milk, egg, fish and vegetable are the foods containing minerals the most.
5.    Vitamins help protect us from influenza and diseases.
6.    What two important things do you get when you exercise outside: Fresh air and sunshine
7.    Sunshine kills some Germs
8.    Sunshine helps my skin to make vitamin D
9.    About 6 -8 hours’ sleep you need each night.
10.    Milk gives us strong bones and teeth.
11.    Meat, fish, eggs, milk and cheese are good protein. They help build muscles.
12.    When you work and play, your body changes the food you eat in to energy.
13.    Foods full of sugar and starch work best to give you energy.
14.    You should do exercise every day to make your muscles strong

Enjoying  the Animal World
15.    We would have too many insects if there is no spider in our world.
16.    Praying mantis has six legs, he need only four for walks.
17.    Dens are the homes called that some animals build in the near old tree roots.
18.    Chipmunk digs tunnels in the ground is it home.
19.    Abdomen is the part of the insect’s body contains stomach.
20.    Thorax is the name of the middle section of the insects.
21.    All insects are hatched from egg.
22.    Butterflies lay their eggs on leaves
23.    A butterfly caterpillar come from eeg.
24.    A moth caterpillar spin Cocoon.
25.    Honey bees eat honey for energy.
26.    Worker bees does all the work in the hive.
27.    Worker bee dies after she stings an enemy.
28.    Grasshopper is the insect that farmer does not like him because he eats plants.
29.    Flies is the name of the insects that spread diseases.
30.    Fat is energy that is stored in your body.

Enjoying  the Plants
1.    The parts  of the plants with their jobs!
Flower job is to make seeds. Leaves make food for the plant. Stem moves water and minerals from the roots to the leaves. Roots job is to take water and minerals from the soil.
2.    Plants use to make their food with air (CO2), sunshine, minerals and water from soil.
3.    Another name for stems are: vines, tree trunk, branches.
4.    The differences between plants and animals: Animal can not make their own food, plants can. Animals can move (walk), plants can not move.
5.    Remember the name of the animals and their homes. Example: Chipmunk, snake, and worm dig tunnel, fish live in the water, spider spin webs, birds make nest, etc.

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