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Rabu, 16 November 2016

Science G6 Semester I - Summary 2016

Chapter 1 - Plentiful Plants
•    Every leaf is a complex mechanism working to produce food for the plant by means of chemical process called photosynthesis.
•    The leaf needs three ingredients in order to do its work: water, air and light.
•    Besides photosynthesis, another important job of the leaves is to construct chemicals, such as vitamins and  proteins.
•    Special leaf, sometimes called a modified leaf.
•    The spines of cactuses are special leaves that contain no chlorophyll.
•    Carnivorous plants such as the venus flytrap, bladderwort, pitcher plant, and sundew.
•    When you look at a plant, we saw a plant’s shoot system. We have to dig the soil to see the ohter part of the plant called root system.
•    Root are the shipping and receiving warehouse for the plant.
•    Tiny projection near the end of the root called root hair.
•    In the middle of the flower, surrounded by the petals, is a long tube called the pistil.
•    Stamens make and hold dust like yellow grains called pollen.
•    The bee is lured deep into the flower in its search for a sweet liquid stored in the bottom of the bloom called nectar.
•    Anything that forms from the ovary of flower becomes a fruit.
•    Scientist who study plants are called botanists.
•    Scientist who study plants can sometimes produce a new variety of plants called a hybrid.
•    Sugar canes are typical with grass family.
•    Each year, the tree made a new layer called annual growth ring.
•    The process of producing maple syrup and sugar called sugaring.
•    The paper birch, also know as the  canoe birch.
•    Fern do not bear seed, they grow from spore.

Chapter 2 - Observing Invertebrates
•    Animals with backbones: vertebrates.
•    Animals without backbones: invertebrates.
•    Over 900,000 species of invertebrates belong so the phylum of creatures called arthropods.
•    An arthropod phylum just like an insects, but they belong to  different class known as arachnids: spider.
•    Spiders have no antennae, but they feel by means of setae.
•    Classification of the rocks based upon how they formed: igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks.
•    Scientist who study insects called entomologist.
•    Has eight legs, a long tail with a poisonous needle-like point on the end, it’s the characteristic of the scorpion.
•    The one hundred footed also called centipede.
•    Earthworm also have setae to hold or dig the soil.
•    Jellyfish and star fist is not a fish, they are invertebrates.

Chapter 3 - Forces of the Earth
•    The study of the earth called geology
•    The study of the earthquakes seismology
•    The scientific study of caves is called speleology
•    The study of stars, planets, and all other heavenly bodies called astronomy.
•    Coal is a useful fuel, commonly found in sedimentary rocks, that comes from decayed plants and is used for heating, industrial purposes, and generating electricity. Coal also called a fossil fuel because it is derived from the fossilized remains of plants.

Chapter 4 – God’s Great Universe
•    A spacesuit provide oxygen ans protection from extremes of temperature for an astronaut.
•    Astrology or astronomy, which one is used by KiCS scientist?
o    Astrology is a false belief, or superstition, which claim to tell people’s future by studying the influence of the sun, planets, and stars on people’s lives. We should use astronomy, the study of the stars, planets, and all other heavenly bodies.
•    Solar wind is a high speed stream of particles that travels outward from holes in the sun's corona and beats upon the earth's upper atmosphere.
•    The law of universal gravitation: the strength of the gravitational force between two objects depends on their masses (the amount of matter they contain) and the distance between them.

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