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Thursday, November 8, 2018

Science G3 Semester 1 – V2.0 Summary

Chapter 1 – Wonderfully Made
People are the most special part of God's creation. God give you your nervous system to help you enjoy His world. We have three main parts of the nervous system:  the brain, the nerves, the spinal cord. Your brain controls your whole body. Nerves will carry message to and from the brain. The spinal cord is a bundle of millions of nerve cells. The left side of the brain controls the right side of your body.  Our sense organ is the parts of your body are designed especially to help us to react the things around us.

The forehead and cheekbones protect our eyes. Tears help our eyes. They keep the eyes moist and wash dirt and dust for them. Vitamin A is good for your eyes. Though air, water and solid sound can travel. To move rapidly back and forth called vibrate. The eardrum is the thin skin that separates the outer ear from the middle ear. The auditory nerve carries the sound message to the brain. Cochlea is the part in the ear, filled with a liquid. Taste and smell are two senses work closely together. Tiny particles of a substance we call it molecules. Pain warns us of the dangers to the body, that is why it is important that we feel pain.

Chapter 2 – Exploring the Plant World
Upon plants do all living things depend. The seed coat is the hard outer covering of a seed. Pollen is the name of the yellow powder formed in flowers. Pollination is the process moves pollen from flower to flower. Glucose is the simple sugar is made in the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll, sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Plants need chlorophyll, sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to complete the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is the e green material in plants. Leaves give off water and oxygen. A single cell produced in some plants instead of flowers and seeds called spore. Spores can be found in spore cases. Moss is made of many tiny plants.

Chapter 3 – Exploring the World of Vertebrate
Vertebrates and invertebrates are the two groups are animals classified.  Amphibian mean: living a double life. Animal without backbone called invertebrates. 

Chapter 4 – Exploring the World of invertebrate
An earthworm has special projections which help protect it from hungry birds. The projection called setae. The arms of an octopus called tentacles. Starfish walk on their special feet called tube feet. The biggest group of invertebrates called insects. A baby spider called spiderling. Camouflage is to cause to look like the surroundings for protection.

Chapter 5 – Exploring the Desert
Once or twice a year it usually rain in the desert.

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