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Rabu, 29 Juli 2015

Investigating Nature

In grade 4, you already learn about the definition of science. Now, in grade 5, we have a new definition. Science is a search for the laws of nature and for ways to use them for the benefit of mankind. A scientist is like a detective, searching for law and order as he or she investigates the mysteries of God's creation.

We are not only learn all about science theories in our science class, but we also do the exploring to investigate the outdoor. To do that, we have to obey the rules for our science outdoor investigators:
  1. Ge permission from your parents or your Mr. Wes in change of you before you go investigate the outdoor.
  2. Take a friend along with you (or with your group in science) so that one of you can get help if anything happens.
  3. Be sure to wear proper clotting. If we are going to the wooded area, it is especially important to wear long pants or socks and long sleeved shirts.
  4. Do not enter someone else's property without permission.
  5. Make sure that you are known the poisonous plants and animals in our exploring area, and learn to avoid them. (Learn to recognize the poisonous organisms on this blog.)
  6. Leave things as you found them (except for the experiment materials)
The detective's tools
A scientist uses a number of tools. Some of the tools are God-given, and some were in vented by man.
  1. Senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste (except drink and food).
  2. Intelligence: THINK!, Ask questions, be curious, write things down, and draw pictures!
  3. Books : go to library and check out books on science topics that interest you.
  4. Equipment: visual objects or science materials.
The fourth week on July, 2015.
Science G5, Wednesday and Thursday.

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