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Rabu, 29 Juli 2015

Your sense organs - Eye

The most important senses are:

Our sense organs is the part of our body are designed especially to help us to react the things around us.

When your eyes open, they are constantly "taking pictures." When there is plenty of light, your eyes take pictures in bright color. When there is very little light, your eyes seem take pictures in black and white.

Like a camera, lens is use for focuses picture. Retina is the area where the image of the picture is made. The iris is the part of your eye that is colored (brown, blue, green, or gray). The iris has muscles that control the amount of light that enter your eye. The middle is a black circle called pupil. The pupil is a small. round hole in the center of the iris. You can watch it became larger to let more lights in, and smaller to let less light in.  At the back of your eye is the optic nerve. This nerve carries the message of waht you have just seen to your brain.

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