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Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016

Chapter Chekup p.45 for Science G4

"Insect: Miniature Marvels of Creation"
Section B
  1. Abdomen: the part of the insect's body containing the heart and stomach.
  2. Antennae: feelers, or sense organs
  3. Exoskeleton: the hard outer covering of insects.
  4. Head: the part of the insect's body containing the brain, antennae, eyes and mouth.
  5. Ovipositor: an insects egg-laying organ
  6. Sensilla: tiny hairs for hearing and sensing
  7. Spiracles: holes in an insect's body for breathing
  8. Thorax: the part of the insect's body where wings and legs are attached
Section C
  1. Camouflage: a disguise that causes people or animals to blend in with their surroundings.
  2. Cocoon: a silk case covering a moth lava
  3. Chrysalis: a hard case covering a butterfly lava
  4. Hibernate: to spend the winter sleeping
  5. Larva: the second stage of complete metamorphosis; 
  6. Molt: to shed the outer covering
  7. Nymph:  a young insect which looks almost like the adult
  8. Parasite: a plant or animal that lives off another.
  9. Predator: an animal that capture and eats other animals
  10. Pupa: an insect in the stage between larva and adult
Section D
  1. Burying beetle burying dead animals.
  2. Ant keep "cow" for the nectar they give.
  3. Whirligig beetle has two pairs of compound eyes.
  4. Giant water bug lays her egg on her husband's back. 
  5. Honey bee communicates food sources by doing a dance.
  6. Monarch butterfly, milkweed beetle tastes bitter.
  7. Caddis worm carries its house around.
Section E 
This is example of two insect 
  1. Monarch butterfly, painted lady butterfly (migrate long distances)
  2. Honey-bees, hornets, yellow jackets protect themselves by their stings.
  3. Stinkbugs, lacewings, and carrion beetles protect themselves by  letting off a foul odor.
  4. Termites, social wasps (hornets, yellow jackets, and paper wasps) chew wood.
  5. Viceroy butterfly, tiger swallowtail caterpillar pretend to be harmful.   

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