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Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

Enjoying the Animal World (p.59),w_1440/Animal_kingdom_nzwbda.jpg

Do you remember?

1. Who is the Planner Who gave each animal a way to protect itself?
2. Do animals have the same form of protection?
3. What sound does a cat make to protect itself?
4. What is a baby deer called?
5. What did God give porcupines for protection?
6. What part of a turtle protects him?
7. What would happen to animals if God had not given them some form of protection?

pǝllᴉʞ ʎlʞɔᴉnb ǝq plnoʍ ʎǝɥʇ ˙ㄥ
llǝɥs sᴉɥ ˙9
sllᴉnb ˙ϛ
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punos ƃuᴉssᴉɥ ɐ ˙Ɛ
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poפ ˙Ɩ

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