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Jumat, 02 September 2016

Chapter 3-Let There be Light!

God is the creator of all light. Light can travels faster that anything else scientist can measure. The speed of light: 186,000mps.
Natural lights is the luminous objects we see in God's creation. Why do leaves look green?
because green is reflecting the green leave. Light is always travel in a stright line. Light also energy. Energy is the ability to do work. Thomas Edison invented the incandescent light bulb. Sir Isaac Newton discovered that white light is a mixture of colored light.

Opaque allowing no light to pass through. Transparent is clear; allowing light to pass through.   
Translucent allowing light through but diffusing (scattering) it so objects cannot be seen clearly. Luminous is the able to produce its own light. Reflection is the bouncing back of light.

A two-sided piece of transparent material with one or both sides curved called lens. There are concave and convex lens. Concave lens is a lens that is thicker at the edges than in the middle, making things look smaller. Convex lens is a lens that bulges toward the viewer, making things look bigger.

To gather together in one place: focus. The bending of light rays as they enter a new material: refraction. Prism is a transparent object that separates the colors in white light by bending them at different angles. Spectrum is the series of colored bands created when sunlight is separated.

In our eye, we have retina (the lining at the back of the eyeball that is sensitive to light). The middle of our iris, we have pupil (the opening in the iris through which light enters the eye), iris is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil and regulates its size. Cornea is the transparent, outer layer at the front of the eyeball. Tapetum is an extra layer of cells behind the retina of many nocturnal animals.

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